Muscle groups

Triceps, Chest, Core, Shoulders


Take a push up position, but with your feet apart (the closer your feet are together, the more challenging the exercise will be)

Assume PPT (tuck your tailbone), brace your core and grip the floor with your working hand, arm straight and triceps engaged. Squeeze your glutes, and lift the non working arm.

Descend into the push up by bending your elbow, keeping it tucked in tight to the body.
Resist rotation, squeeze your glutes, keep your hips and shoulders level. .

To push up, drive through the floor and screw your hand outward, squeezing your armpit, whole body tight. Fully extend your arm at the top. Repeat for repetitions or switch arms.

Do not allow your lower back to arch, you should maintain a straight line shoulders, hip, and feet.

Movement Group


Required Equipment


Progressions And Regressions

One Arm Push Up