Muscle groups

Quadriceps, Calves


Stand with feet about shoulder width apart, tall posture, back neutral.
Step forward, flexing at the knees and hips. Keep your torso upright, and don't lose your posture by overstepping.

In the bottom position your body should form 90 degree angles a the hips and knees.

As you step forward thinking about dropping the back knee, this will help prevent overstriding, but don't let the knee touch the ground - maintain tension.
At the bottom position the front shin should be close to vertical, knee stacked over the ankle, and keep a tall posture, open chest, spine neutral.
Maintain tension throughout, don’t drop the back knee,
Pause, glutes and hamstrings engaged, before pushing your front foot through the floor and driving back up.

Repeat for repetitions, and switch sides.

Don't let the knee collapse inward as you lunge, and avoiding rounding or arching the back.

Movement Group


Required Equipment


Progressions And Regressions
